
Showing posts from March, 2017

Socially connected but Practically isolated

India has been emerging as one of the largest countries for Internet users rapidly for last few years and Internet has driven youth crazy. To all of us, it appears that it has become a human necessity like food, cloth, and shelter and it's like we can not live without it not even a single moment. Even a remote village across the country is not left with its outreach and it must penetrate in every pocket of the country as everybody has a right to enjoy the benefit of technological advancement and development. Today, almost everyone has a cell phone, an iPhone, and a tablet, even a kid is too smart to live without a smartphone and seems to be an expert in e-commerce, within few minutes he can review and rate an electronic product. A youngster has so many so-called virtual friends online but in real life is he/she fine? can't be said. He loves his own i-phone and tablet more than his parents, he is so attached to it if something goes wrong with these devices, he gets angry and b

Priority and People

We are living in the 21st century most advanced era of the human civilisation. All of us never get tired of wearing the mask of modernity. How do we define modernity it is very subjective. Everybody has been adopting a different lifestyle. Everybody says that life has become so fast.These days, everybody has his or her own ambition unlike few decade before.Youngsters live in their own world. Their daily life revolves around electronic gadgets, social networking sites, Hollywood movies and fashionable clothes carrying a false sense of impression among people. To everyone, there is only one principle "My life, My rules, and the rest are fools".In addition to it, parents also don't have time to their own children even a husband doesn't have time for his wife.There are so many cases like that people often complain and come up with a variety of innovative and invalid excuses, for example, I don't have time, I am quite busy, I will call you back etc, etc. Is it really

Spirituality :- USP of Youth

Young age is the golden period of our life, on the other hand, it's also a turbulent phase of life.Youth is incomplete without spirituality. Once it's encapsulated with wholeheartedness within us.Our thought becomes pure and pious. It makes us free from lust, anger and greed.It makes a student clearheaded.Spirituality is an engine of personality development, its absence in a student makes him an animal then he talks like an animal, he walks like an animal and he behaves like an animal because all of us have animal instinct and spirituality simply eradicates it.It's quite difficult to deal with a spiritual young person.Wherever he goes he looks like a shining star among the crowd. Most of the students strive for Intelligent Quotient(IQ) and Emotional Quotient(EQ) hardly, they seek Spiritual Quotient (SQ).  Spirituality is an ornament for a young person. It makes his life purposeful.There are various ways to delve into the realm of spirituality.To a beginner simply sitting


As we all know, we live in the world of a clown. We often keep defining ourselves and sometimes being defined by others. People are enveloped in a shroud of social stigma, discrimination, and dejection. The reason behind this is the identity for which we are hankering here, we are struggling to stand on our own feet. we have been in a rat race of posting our pictures on social networking sites and being validated by the pointer of like and dislike. All of us at some level are grappling with a thing, that is called identity. How is it important and what is that? According to me, something that makes us unique from rest of other. So, it's all about uniqueness and in this world everyone is unique, even we observe a pair of twins carefully , there might be differences in their thinking, activity and even their physique, but problem with this uniqueness, we are not ready  to accept ourselves just the way we are and others as well just the way they are. This one little term identit

Ocean of fantasy

Let’s dive into the bottom of the world of crystal clear blue water. Here, we can explore the exquisite and extraordinary array of multi-colourful reef, octopus, jellyfish and millions of aquatic species. We can notice with our own naked eye who is the prey, who is the predator? .Sometimes we can see cosmic and divine dance of these crawly creatures and we may have romance with romantic rock. We can be easily tempted to sleep on the luxuriantt sea-grass bed in this aquatic emerald which is as silent as silk. We can play with playful dolphin and even can talk, but we need to remember one thing, we don’t have to mess with them.We may face an invisible threat of migrating sharks and even whales. In a nutshell, if we say, it’s like floating weightlessly in the amniotic fluid of cosmic womb.                                                                                                                                             Now, It’s time to get out of this exotic marine life and e

Emotional intelligence is the gateway to success in life

Emotions are an integral part of life.We can't imagine life without it that's why we are called human. Emotion means simply energy in motion and feelings inside us.Every day we as a human being feel a variety of emotions.Positive emotions empower us while negative emotions disempower us.Every day in the morning, the front page of newspaper makes headlines regarding crimes, rapes, murder, and theft etc.Such types of news are simply a reflection of actions led by negative emotions generated within all of us and nothing else.Whenever there is a conflict between heart and brain, our emotion plays a very significant role whether should listen to our heart or mind. Emotion helps us in decision-making.It makes us very practical in life.It helps us to be successful in personal life as well as professional life, it helps us to set a realistic goal. A student must have little fear of failure in the exam so that they can work hard and pass the exam otherwise they will be careless.Here,

Encourage not Discourage

Human mind has the propensity to focus towards negativity rather positivity.Our words really affect people's mind, body, and soul.Whenever we meet with people it could be our friends,peers, and relatives.It's easy to find fault in others while it's is a herculean task to identify positivity in others because to do that first of all, we have to be like that.It does not take even a single second to say that you are not good at studies, you are useless, you are characterless,you don't have certain attributes and what not, the list is endless Many children and students always live their life full of miseries.All bad words said by society to them gets deeply imprinted on their mind.Gradually their self-image becomes quite darker and they get trapped in vicious cycle of inferiority complex.They try to find some solace.They start liking aloofness and loving loneliness.Sometimes it turns into clinical depression.To them outside world is like a prison in which they are so afra

Accept yourself before the world accepts you.

Recently one of my friends who was facing some sort of problem regarding job called me one day.He wanted to stay at my flat.He was quite restless and hopeless.After spending some days he told me that I want to change my personality.I said what happened you are perfectly fine and further conversation went like this He- Today I was ahead in the queue for the interview but a boy who came after me and within few minutes he was called by HR. Me- Sometimes it happens just relax you will get much better job than this He-  No.It made my angry.I must have been given first priority. Me- How was he talking outside with HR and other people. He- He didn't seem to have proper knowledge, he was shallow it's like he was buttering her(HR).I think that I  have some problem with my voice.I want to speak boldly and with confidence. Me- See! confidence is situational.When you are out of your comfort zone you may not feel confident unlike right now the way are speaking with me c

Why are we so stupid ?

If you ask anyone "Do u think?" probably answer you get, would be yes but in reality, they hardly think.They think that they think actually his or her mind is roaming on the roadside somewhere.Since childhood, students are thrown into cut-throat competition.Along with their own children, their parents also compete with each other whose child has higher grades and keep feeding their ego.Have they asked their children what they want? what they like? what they want to pursue in life never ever. They never teach to how to think, how to take the decision of our own life.In India, Parents have only academic ambition for their own children.They see everything in binary terms which hampers the growth of mind.Today most of the Indian students have a blurred goal and blurred vision of life even after graduation they look so lost and confused they don't know why they did that, what they are doing, and it leads to frustration, and create a sense of hopelessness.Committing suicide a

Time to turn turbulent into tranquility

Youth means powerhouse of energy, knowledge, and talent.History has witnessed the power of young minds.They created the history by challenging the status quo. They often used various means to protest using violence or nonviolence but mostly it was violence.In a country, like India which is too much emotional, people find the easiest way to solve any problem is to come on the road and damaging national properties without realizing that we are harming ourselves.Indian youth has proved his or her mettle across the world but unfortunately, it remains unutilised due to misguidance. Problems are everywhere but time has come to build our own nation through playing own responsibility at our own level. To conclude " The ship needs to be anchored under the guidance of a good mentor".