Why are we so stupid ?

If you ask anyone "Do u think?" probably answer you get, would be yes but in reality, they hardly think.They think that they think actually his or her mind is roaming on the roadside somewhere.Since childhood, students are thrown into cut-throat competition.Along with their own children, their parents also compete with each other whose child has higher grades and keep feeding their ego.Have they asked their children what they want? what they like? what they want to pursue in life never ever. They never teach to how to think, how to take the decision of our own life.In India, Parents have only academic ambition for their own children.They see everything in binary terms which hampers the growth of mind.Today most of the Indian students have a blurred goal and blurred vision of life even after graduation they look so lost and confused they don't know why they did that, what they are doing, and it leads to frustration, and create a sense of hopelessness.Committing suicide among students has become a common culture.The reasons behind it are they failed to think, they failed to talk to themselves, they adopted other's definition of success of life, they never learned the art of saying "No" and they did not have guts to say "No" to their parents and society. In the long run, they keep making the wrong choice in their life.our habit of not to think makes our decision ineffective on the other hand our educational curriculum hardly gives any space to think, in turn, our mind remains uncultivated and infertile.Rote learning system makes human mind sterile Therefore it's to time sit simply, pause, reflect, and not to be so stupid.


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