Spirituality :- USP of Youth

Young age is the golden period of our life, on the other hand, it's also a turbulent phase of life.Youth is incomplete without spirituality. Once it's encapsulated with wholeheartedness within us.Our thought becomes pure and pious. It makes us free from lust, anger and greed.It makes a student clearheaded.Spirituality is an engine of personality development, its absence in a student makes him an animal then he talks like an animal, he walks like an animal and he behaves like an animal because all of us have animal instinct and spirituality simply eradicates it.It's quite difficult to deal with a spiritual young person.Wherever he goes he looks like a shining star among the crowd. Most of the students strive for Intelligent Quotient(IQ) and Emotional Quotient(EQ) hardly, they seek Spiritual Quotient (SQ).  Spirituality is an ornament for a young person. It makes his life purposeful.There are various ways to delve into the realm of spirituality.To a beginner simply sitting with straight posture in morning and observing our thought process, paying attention to "inhaling and exhaling" can mould us like a magnet within six- seventh month and bring huge transformation in him.A spiritual young man is an asset to any nation, he works for everyone selflessly, to him, his nation is the first priority, he always puts aside personal interest and his action always stands human well-being. Therefore, spirituality is the USP of youth and he can use it anywhere.


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