Ocean of fantasy

Let’s dive into the bottom of the world of crystal clear blue water. Here, we can explore the exquisite and extraordinary array of multi-colourful reef, octopus, jellyfish and millions of aquatic species. We can notice with our own naked eye who is the prey, who is the predator? .Sometimes we can see cosmic and divine dance of these crawly creatures and we may have romance with romantic rock. We can be easily tempted to sleep on the luxuriantt sea-grass bed in this aquatic emerald which is as silent as silk. We can play with playful dolphin and even can talk, but we need to remember one thing, we don’t have to mess with them.We may face an invisible threat of migrating sharks and even whales. In a nutshell, if we say, it’s like floating weightlessly in the amniotic fluid of cosmic womb.

                                                                                                                                            Now, It’s time to get out of this exotic marine life and enter into another world which is also quite akin to it, but in a different form and in which we actually live. Let’s have a look
We put ourselves in other’s shoes and often fantasise about being the hero or heroine of our own life but it’s like dreaming the impossible dream. Sometimes we go in flashback mode of our life and try to change the script, concrete reality is that even ultimate almighty can’t change our past. We find ourselves surrounded by the angels, communicate with them and try to be an angelic figure being detached from real world. The list is endless.

              So, we all always keep allowing this kind of thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies and longings etc. and we get immense pleasure by doing so just like we were in the deep blue offshore. Why all things happen, sometimes we want to do this in our life and sometimes we want to that. Even, our goal changes every moment just to gain momentum of “man of the moment”. Many things we do even we don’t know, then why we do what we do could be the biggest question for all of us.

 Every man or woman has a mental world and our mind is just like a mental radio which transmits and receives its own views, habitual thoughts. By the way, thoughts are private property and we are able to think of and do anything in this vast ocean of thoughts, but when this thought is not linked with a purpose then there is no intelligent and intellectual accomplishment, afterwards we fall prey to worries, fears, trouble. All of which are simply badges of weakness and “strength is life and weakness is death”
No doubt, everyone wants to be successful, no one wants to be a failure, but in this challenging and demanding world, sometimes we have to smell a stench of failure. As we know there are two kinds of people in this world, one who only talks and others who walk the talk. It’s the borderline of action which bisects them into two branches. Thoughts are fountains of action and manifestation. Nothing comes by fluke, it requires a conscious effort; then we will have a feather in our cap otherwise everything would be just a pie in the sky.
Now, the million dollar question is that, how can we move on from this “ocean of fantasy” to “ocean of reality”. Swami Vivekananda answered this question by saying, “take up one idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, live on that idea, let the brain, muscle, nerve every part of your body ,be full of that idea ,just leave other idea alone and this is the way to success.
o, when we achieve what our mind conceives then this ocean of fantasy turn unreal into real and Maya Angelou said: “If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can transform millions of reality”. Afterwards, we will definitely be on a new kind of the flight of fancy in life.Maybe God is dreaming a bigger dream for us and we can dream forever for ourselves.


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