
As we all know, we live in the world of a clown. We often keep defining ourselves and sometimes being defined by others. People are enveloped in a shroud of social stigma, discrimination, and dejection. The reason behind this is the identity for which we are hankering here, we are struggling to stand on our own feet. we have been in a rat race of posting our pictures on social networking sites and being validated by the pointer of like and dislike.

All of us at some level are grappling with a thing, that is called identity. How is it important and what is that? According to me, something that makes us unique from rest of other. So, it's all about uniqueness and in this world everyone is unique, even we observe a pair of twins carefully , there might be differences in their thinking, activity and even their physique, but problem with this uniqueness, we are not ready  to accept ourselves just the way we are and others as well just the way they are. This one little term identity has so many meanings and it is really a quite complicated thing. To elucidate it I would give four examples.

First one thinks about those acid attack victims who lose their identity after that a new kind of identity is given by so-called sophisticated society of India. Where are these people we never see them on the roadside? Are they dead? No, they are alive and living a life of exile behind the door. The second one, as we know we all have a social bias towards transgender and all the possible slangs are used for them. A few years back, the landmark decision of the supreme court of India gave them right to vote out of the boxes of male and female by putting another box as others. The biggest equation of equality was solved in the world's largest democracy and these people are doing P.H.D in many biggest universities. The third one, people from North-east India often are treated badly and what we call using bad words.

The last one, we often keep on talking about women empowerment and the word "Nari shakti" has been in the spotlight these days. What is this? This is all about Identity where women are seeking for equal opportunity and nothing else. So, this social incoherence always creates a clash of identity. It is really sad, If somebody is slightly different from us we start calling them abnormal, but the fact is that people around them are abnormal, and they are not aware of their own abnormality. I mean why we need to be fit into others frame why we need to look the way others look, why we need to talk the way others talk. We always have to learn the language of so-called mainstream society. Why we need to make a compromise at every stage of life. That's why it always reminds me of one of the greatest leaders of united states of America, Martin Luther who said,  " I have a dream, one day, my children of this country will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but the content of the character, I have a dream".

So, Identity does not have a body.Our identities lie within us. It required a new kind of insight to see it, and everybody does not have just like we say beauty lies in the eye of a beholder. Until and unless we are not original from inside this external outlook will not be going to help us. Suppose everybody looks same then what will happen it will be boring. Thus, God created a mixture of different people. Someone is black and another is white. Both colours have its own beauty.Therefore, We have to understand that we are not this body but soul and we need to make our own identity such like that nobody will be able to imitate and emulate us just like we say inimitable Jagjeet Singh.


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